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Where Do I Fit on the Body Mass Index?

The obesity epidemic in the United States has made headlines all over the internet and traditional media. More than 40% of women, men, and children in this country fit into the “obese” category. 

Ironic, isn’t it, that there’s an obesity epidemic in a country with a 71 billion-dollar diet industry? But those two facts aren’t really a contradiction at all. 

In fact, calorie-restriction diets are one of the prime reasons obesity rates continue to climb. When you don’t eat enough, your body goes into a starvation, survival-type mode that then hoards every possible calorie as fat. That’s why you often gain more weight once you finish your so-called “weight loss” diet.

At Modern Wellness Clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada, our team takes a science-based, individualized approach to permanent and healthy weight loss. We jumpstart your weight loss and help you maintain it long-term with our HCG / Paleo Scientific Weight Loss program. 

Even if you’re currently a healthy weight, you could still benefit from adopting a healthier paleo-type eating plan for life. The paleo diet emphasizes the healthy vegetables, fruits, fats, and proteins your cells need to thrive.

Do you need to lose weight? Or simply maintain your current weight? Check your bod mass index (BMI) with this online BMI calculator, and then contact us for a custom-designed weight-loss or weight-maintenance plan.

Here’s what your BMI means and what you should do about it:

Under 18.5

You may feel healthy and fit because you’re skinny. But being underweight can be as much of a health issue as being overweight.

You might not be eating enough food — or the right kinds of foods — that your body needs to repair itself and build healthy new cells. Being underweight puts you at risk for:

Women who are underweight and exercise too much may even miss their periods or have their periods stop altogether. Depending on your situation, we may recommend adding more protein to your diet and doing weight-resistance exercises to strengthen your muscles and bones. 

Between 18.5 and 24.9

Congratulations! If your BMI is in this range, your weight is normal for your height. 

To stay healthy, though, you need to keep your weight stable. Since we all lose muscle and bone during the aging process, we may recommend changes in your diet and exercise plan to keep you healthy through the coming decades.

We also help you manage stress and sleep issues. Taking breaks and getting enough sleep is just as important as eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly.

From 25 to 29.9

While you may treasure your curves, or consider yourself just a “tad” overweight, if your BMI is in this range, you may be carrying too much weight for your frame. However, if you’re extremely muscular and athletic, you could still be healthy because muscle is denser and weighs more than fat.

When it’s excess fat that’s tipping the scales, however, we help you lose it so that you can get back to a healthy level of fitness. Too much fat around your waist and abdomen may throw your hormones off balance, and make it harder to gain needed muscle mass, while easier to gain even more fat. 

30 or more

A BMI of 30 or more puts you into the obese category. Obesity is a major health risk that leads to other chronic and potentially life-threatening conditions and illnesses, including: 

If you’re obese, you must lose excess fat and increase your fitness to preserve your health and lifespan. Our HCG / Paleo Scientific Weight Loss program jumpstarts your weight loss so that you can safely lose up to a pound a day. 

We provide support and guidance so that you lose weight, develop newer, healthier habits, and improve other health parameters, including your lipid profile and blood sugar levels. We also help you change the kinds of foods you eat so that you feel satisfied while nourishing your body and taking off excess pounds. 

Don’t trust fad diets or calorie restriction to shed pounds and improve your health. Get the science-based support and medical guidance you need for successful and sustainable weight loss. Contact our office today by phone, or use our online form.

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