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Botox Vs. Dysport

Botox® is a household name when it comes to cosmetic injectables. It has maintained the title of supreme wrinkle-wrangler since the FDA approved it for cosmetic use back in 2002. Dysport®, however, is challenging Botox and proving to be more effective than its predecessor. 

At the Modern Wellness Clinic, we strive to bring you only the best and most advanced cosmetic treatments available. That’s why we’re proud to offer Dysport as the answer to your wrinkly problems. 

The basics of Dysport

Dysport is a cosmetic injectable that works to reduce and prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your face. It’s derived from a purified strain of bacteria called clostridium botulinum. It got the FDA’s stamp of approval for cosmetic use in 2009. When administered in the correct dosage by one of your expert providers, it has a temporary paralytic effect on your facial muscles

It works best on dynamic wrinkles, specifically those that form on your forehead, between your eyebrows, and around the corners on your eyes. Dynamic wrinkles are the kinds of creases that form as a result of repeated movement and muscle contractions. 

When your muscles are relaxed and unable to move as often, you’ll notice fewer and fewer wrinkles. 

How Botox and Dysport are similar

Botox and Dysport are similar in that they both come from the same strain of bacteria. These two injectables address your wrinkles in the same way by preventing muscle contractions and movements. Both treatments require no downtime and are virtually painless as well. 

How Botox and Dysport are different

While it may seem like these two injections are essentially the same, there are a few key differences. 

Because Dysport has a different dilution rate than Botox, it’s more potent and often cheaper than Botox. The difference in concentration levels also makes Dysport a better option if you’re targeting more severe wrinkles or if you’re looking to treat a larger area. 

You’ll notice results from a Dysport treatment typically appear after 24 hours compared to a week with Botox treatments. 

Why choose Dysport?

If you’re looking for rapid results that are easy on your wallet, Dysport is the option for you. It’s best if you’re looking for an all-over youthful look rather than localized treatment. 

Our experts can determine if Dysport is best for you and give you advice on how to make your results last even longer. 

With so many treatment options available, it can be difficult to figure out which is right for you and your cosmetic goals. Don’t spend another day guessing and hoping that your wrinkle treatment will work — come see us for treatments that have proven to be effective. 

If you’d like more information or would like to get started with a consultation, call our office or schedule an appointment online today.

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