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Taking care of one’s skin is a challenge that repeatedly rears its head as you age. Skincare requires a regimen of careful maintenance over the course of your whole life in order to keep the consistent glow that you want out of your body. 

Unfortunately, in today’s busy world, keeping such a diligent and regular routine dedicated to your skin is next to impossible. 

So what is someone with a mind to take care of themselves and their skin to do? We are here to help, with their flawless microneedling process, which keeps the skin fresh, taunt, and glowing with little work on your part.

Not only can our microneedling process take care of your skin, but it can also repair it- the process is a fantastic treatment for sunspots, wrinkling, regulating pore size, and reducing scarring. It’s the ultimate tool in skincare maintenance and care.


Microneedling sounds scary, sure. 

However, the process is proven to show immediate results, after even just the first session, and by the last, your skin will be as healthy, youthful, and smooth as it ever was. 

Developed by renowned Aesthetician Carolina Molina, the process is simple- using a specialized electronic tool, our Microneedling team at Modern Wellness Clinic will find and help to create additional micro-channels in the upper layer of your epidermis, which allows the natural processes of the body to repair and replenish the skin. 

From there, they hasten the process by injecting the needles into these microchannels. This induces the collagen proteins to act because of the disruption to the skin, resulting in a natural healing process brought on by the body that will leave your skin feeling firm and refreshed.


One of the biggest questions that someone who could benefit from the process might have is why they should take part in this miraculous new treatment to begin with. 

It can be costly to keep up appearances, and not everyone has the time to attend regular sessions. 

How do the benefits outweigh the risks? 


The answer is simple- your skin is the first impression, When people first meet you, they take in your body, your face, your skin. Blemishes, sunspots, and wrinkles don’t make for a good first impression. Our microneedling process is very affordable, and the sessions are short and infrequent, not to mention at regularly scheduled intervals. 

Microneedling is not only recommended for the average Las Vegas citizen, but an absolute necessity for anybody who wants to make that important first impression on a client, a prospective business partner, or maybe the next special someone in your life. 

With skin rejuvenation being a market approaching $2.2 Billion in revenue by 2022, there areplenty of frauds out there. We are here to ensure that you feel happy, healthy, and young with our microneedling process. 

Only 4 to 6 sessions over the course of two months or so can bring your body back to the smooth, firm, youthful skin that it deserves to have.

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